Blogging in Ghana(Africa) - Why you should consider blogging in Ghana(Africa) | DokesHub

 Please Note:

There are various kinds of blogs off-late: vlogs, social media blogs, among others. In this blog post, the kind of blog we are talking about is the website kind of blog.

About Blogging

Blogging is a good career or even hobby; no doubt about that. People are full-time bloggers and make a whole lot of money from it. It's even a whole enterprise for some people, as they end up employing others. Others also use it as a hobby to write about what they are passionate about to reach more people.

Image of blogging

The internet is growing bigger and bigger by the minute. More and more people are gaining access to it. More resources are still being added to the internet. Technologies to access and provide internet services are growing exponentially everywhere in the world including Ghana.

Why You should consider blogging as a Ghanaian (African)

  • There are a whole lot of untapped potentials here in Ghana.

Every day, there are a lot of people searching about stuff on the internet about Ghana: Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians alike. What I've realized is, the resources about Ghanaian information on the internet are limited.

Most blogs in Ghana are mainly into news and entertainment. The other types of blogs are very limited or nonexistent. So if you can take on one of these kinds of blogs that have not been tapped, you can do very well.

  • Blogging is a great source of income.

A lot of Ghanaians are not aware of the amount of money they can make from blogs. Most of us never even think about it. 

Blogs can make you a lot of cash if you're looking at it even just as a hobby or a whole career.  With the advent of digital advertising services such as Google AdSense and Facebook Ads.

Image of Google Adsene Logo
Image of Facebook Ads logo

Bloggers are getting more and more ways to make money. These digital advertising services put ads on your blog and pay you for with depending on the number of click-throughs or visits you get. The pay and visits are directly proportional. 

        You can earn money by also doing affiliate marketing on your blog. This means you market products and services on behalf of enterprises or companies by blogging about them. 

Blogging today pays so much. You can earn as much as $40,000 per month or more just from personal blogs. 

Image of dollar note 

Isn't this good enough money just by writing? What are you waiting for?

There is actually no limit to the amount of money you can make from blogging.

  • It's the better or best way of reaching more people.
Image of the world map

Although with social media, you can reach people all over the world, you're still limited. People who are not on a social media platform have limited or no access to the content provided there unless they sign up for an account. 

But with blogs, all that is needed is an internet connection and a browser and you're good to go. So blogs are undoubtedly a much better way of reaching more people

  • You can start for free and still earn.

        You don't have to pay anything to start a simple blog. There are a lot of ways you can start a free blog. you can use blog sites such as Blogger and WordPress. These two are the most popular blog sites, and they are simple to use. 

Image of Blogger logo 
Image of WordPress logo
Image of GitHub logo

        GitHub Pages also provides a way of hosting your site. But this is for people who have developed their own websites by coding them. 

You can watch videos on Youtube to get to know more about these blog sites.

  • It can be your hobby or a good way of using your leisure time, as you can use your creativity.

Thanks for your time.


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